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Techo Bloc Blu 60 Vs 80: Picking the Perfect Pavers!

Techo Bloc Blu 60 Vs 80

Techo Bloc Blu 60 Vs 80: A comparison of two popular paving stones. Find out their differences in size, strength, and durability.

When it comes to choosing the right pavers for your outdoor space, Techo Bloc offers a wide range of options that can enhance the beauty and functionality of any project. Two of their popular choices are the Techo Bloc Blu 60 and the Techo Bloc Blu 80. These pavers are known for their durability, versatility, and stunning appearance. However, understanding the differences between the two can help you make an informed decision that suits your specific needs and preferences.

Firstly, let's discuss the Techo Bloc Blu 60. With its 2 3/8-inch thickness, this paver is perfect for pedestrian applications such as walkways, patios, and driveways. Its smooth surface and chamfered edges create a clean and modern look that can complement any architectural style. What sets the Blu 60 apart is its ability to withstand heavy foot traffic while maintaining its structural integrity, making it an ideal choice for high-traffic areas.

On the other hand, we have the Techo Bloc Blu 80. This paver boasts a thicker profile at 3 1/8 inches, making it suitable for both pedestrian and vehicular applications. The Blu 80's enhanced thickness provides added strength and durability, allowing it to handle heavier loads, including cars and trucks. Whether you're designing a driveway or a commercial parking lot, this paver can withstand the rigors of daily use without compromising its visual appeal.

In conclusion, while both the Techo Bloc Blu 60 and Blu 80 offer exceptional quality and aesthetics, their differences lie in their thickness and intended use. The Blu 60 excels in pedestrian applications, offering a sleek and contemporary look, while the Blu 80 provides a robust solution for spaces that require both pedestrian and vehicular access. By understanding these distinctions, you can confidently select the perfect paver for your specific project, ensuring a long-lasting and visually striking outdoor space.

Techo Bloc Blu 60 Vs 80: A Comparison of Two Remarkable Pavers

When it comes to enhancing the beauty and functionality of your outdoor space, choosing the right pavers is crucial. Techo Bloc, a renowned manufacturer of high-quality landscaping products, offers two popular options: Blu 60 and Blu 80. Both of these paving stones have their unique features and advantages, making it essential to understand their differences before making a decision. In this article, we will compare Techo Bloc Blu 60 and Blu 80 in terms of durability, design options, and installation ease.


One of the most critical factors to consider when selecting pavers for your outdoor projects is their durability. In this regard, both Techo Bloc Blu 60 and Blu 80 excel, thanks to their high-quality materials and manufacturing processes. However, there is a slight difference between the two in terms of compressive strength. Blu 60 has a compressive strength of 8000 psi (pound-force per square inch), while Blu 80 boasts a stronger compressive strength of 10,000 psi. This means that Blu 80 can better withstand heavy loads and resist wear and tear over time.

Design Options

The aesthetic appeal of your outdoor space largely depends on the design options available with your choice of pavers. Techo Bloc understands this and offers a wide range of design possibilities with both Blu 60 and Blu 80. Both pavers come in various shapes, sizes, and colors, allowing you to create stunning patterns and designs that suit your personal style and preferences. Whether you prefer a traditional or contemporary look, these pavers have got you covered.

Color Selection

Another aspect where Techo Bloc excels is in its extensive color selection for both Blu 60 and Blu 80. Whether you desire warm earth tones or cool contemporary shades, you can find a color palette that matches your vision. With options like Autumn Red, Champlain Grey, and Sandlewood Beige, the possibilities for customization are virtually endless.

Installation Ease

Installing pavers can be a daunting task, especially for those without prior experience. However, Techo Bloc has designed both Blu 60 and Blu 80 with ease of installation in mind. Both pavers feature a patented interlocking system that ensures stability and simplifies the installation process. This interlocking mechanism not only makes it easier to create uniform and secure surfaces but also reduces the need for specialized tools or extensive professional assistance.

Usage Flexibility

Whether you're planning to build a patio, driveway, or walkway, Techo Bloc Blu 60 and Blu 80 offer excellent usage flexibility. These pavers are engineered to withstand heavy traffic and adverse weather conditions, making them suitable for residential and commercial applications alike. Their robust design makes them resistant to cracking, chipping, and fading, ensuring long-lasting beauty and functionality for your outdoor spaces.


Keeping your outdoor space looking pristine requires minimal maintenance efforts when using Techo Bloc Blu 60 or Blu 80. Both of these pavers are designed to resist staining and fading, allowing you to enjoy their vibrant colors for years to come. Additionally, their smooth surfaces make cleaning a breeze, as dirt and debris can be easily swept away. In case of any damage, individual pavers can be replaced without disturbing the overall design, providing convenience and cost-effectiveness.

Price Comparison

While both Techo Bloc Blu 60 and Blu 80 are exceptional choices, it's important to consider their price differences. Due to its higher compressive strength and added benefits, Blu 80 tends to be slightly more expensive than Blu 60. However, the exact cost will depend on factors such as the region, supplier, and quantity needed for your project. It's advisable to consult with local suppliers or contractors to get accurate pricing information.


In summary, Techo Bloc Blu 60 and Blu 80 are both excellent options for enhancing the beauty and functionality of your outdoor spaces. While Blu 80 offers a higher compressive strength and superior load-bearing capacity, Blu 60 provides exceptional durability and design possibilities at a slightly lower price point. Ultimately, the choice between these two remarkable pavers will depend on your specific needs, budget, and personal preferences. With either option, you can create stunning landscapes that will leave a lasting impression.

Introduction: Exploring the key differences between Techo-Bloc Blu 60 and Blu 80 pavers

Techo-Bloc is a well-known manufacturer of high-quality paving stones, and two of their most popular options are the Blu 60 and Blu 80 pavers. While they may seem similar at first glance, there are several key differences between these two options that can greatly impact their performance and suitability for different projects. In this detailed comparison, we will delve into the characteristics, size, strength, durability, installation process, aesthetics, applications, cost, and more of Techo-Bloc Blu 60 and Blu 80 pavers, allowing you to make an informed decision based on your specific needs and preferences.

Definition: Understanding the characteristics and features of each paver type

Techo-Bloc Blu 60 and Blu 80 pavers are both made from high-quality concrete, ensuring strength and durability. The Blu in their names refers to their unique color blending technology, resulting in vibrant and long-lasting colors that enhance any outdoor space. The numbers 60 and 80 represent the thickness of the pavers in millimeters. Understanding these basic characteristics sets the stage for a deeper comparison between the two paver types.

Size: Highlighting the variations in size between Blu 60 and Blu 80 pavers

The size difference between Blu 60 and Blu 80 pavers is one of the key factors to consider when choosing between them. Blu 60 pavers have a standard size of 60mm thick, making them suitable for various applications, including driveways, walkways, and patios. On the other hand, Blu 80 pavers are thicker, measuring 80mm, which provides added strength and stability, making them ideal for heavy traffic areas and commercial projects.

Strength: Analyzing the load-bearing capacity of both pavers in terms of weight and durability

When it comes to strength, both Blu 60 and Blu 80 pavers are designed to withstand heavy loads. However, the additional thickness of Blu 80 pavers gives them a higher load-bearing capacity, making them more suitable for areas with frequent vehicular traffic or heavy equipment. This extra strength ensures that Blu 80 pavers can endure the test of time and maintain their structural integrity even under challenging conditions.

Durability: Examining the longevity and resilience of Blu 60 and Blu 80 pavers in different weather conditions

Both Blu 60 and Blu 80 pavers are engineered to withstand the harsh elements of various climates. They are frost-resistant, ensuring that they won't crack or deteriorate during freezing temperatures. Additionally, they have a low water absorption rate, making them resistant to moisture damage. However, due to their increased thickness, Blu 80 pavers offer enhanced durability and can better withstand heavy rainfalls and extreme weather conditions, making them an excellent choice for regions prone to severe weather.

Installation: Discussing the ease of installation and potential requirements for each type of paver

Installing Techo-Bloc Blu 60 and Blu 80 pavers is a relatively straightforward process. Both types feature an interlocking design, allowing for easy and precise installation. However, due to their increased thickness, Blu 80 pavers may require more effort during the installation process. Their weight and size necessitate proper handling and potentially specialized equipment, especially when dealing with larger projects. Blu 60 pavers, being slightly thinner, may be easier to handle and install, making them a more convenient option for DIY enthusiasts or smaller-scale projects.

Aesthetics: Comparing the visual appeal and design options available with Blu 60 and Blu 80 pavers

Techo-Bloc takes pride in offering a wide range of design options for both Blu 60 and Blu 80 pavers. They come in various shapes, sizes, and textures, allowing you to create unique patterns and visually appealing outdoor spaces. Both paver types offer vibrant color options that resist fading over time. However, the larger size and increased thickness of Blu 80 pavers can provide a more imposing and substantial aesthetic, making them particularly suitable for larger projects or areas that require a bold visual statement.

Applications: Identifying the suggested uses and environments where each paver type excels

Blu 60 pavers are versatile and can be used in a wide range of applications, including driveways, walkways, patios, and pool decks. Their standard thickness makes them suitable for residential projects, where moderate traffic is expected. On the other hand, Blu 80 pavers excel in heavy-duty applications, such as commercial driveways, parking lots, and high-traffic areas. Their increased thickness and load-bearing capacity make them ideal for areas that require exceptional durability and strength.

Cost: Evaluating the price difference and value for money offered by Blu 60 and Blu 80 pavers

When it comes to cost, Blu 60 pavers are generally more budget-friendly compared to Blu 80 pavers. The increased thickness and load-bearing capacity of Blu 80 pavers contribute to their higher price point. However, it is essential to consider the specific requirements of your project and weigh the added benefits of Blu 80 pavers against the potential cost savings of Blu 60 pavers. Ultimately, the value for money will depend on the intended use and longevity of the pavers in your specific application.

Conclusion: Summarizing the key points and helping readers make an informed decision based on their specific needs and preferences

In conclusion, Techo-Bloc Blu 60 and Blu 80 pavers offer versatile and reliable options for various outdoor projects. The key differences between these paver types lie in their size, strength, durability, ease of installation, aesthetics, applications, and cost. By considering factors such as the expected traffic, climate conditions, design preferences, and budget, you can make an informed decision on whether Blu 60 or Blu 80 pavers are the right choice for your specific needs. Both options offer exceptional quality and long-lasting performance, ensuring that your outdoor space remains beautiful and functional for years to come.

Techo Bloc Blu 60 Vs 80: The Battle of Paving Stones


In the world of landscaping, choosing the perfect paving stones for your project can be a daunting task. Two popular options that often come up are Techo Bloc Blu 60 and Techo Bloc Blu 80. While both offer durability and aesthetic appeal, they have distinct differences that set them apart. Let's delve into the details and explore which one might be the ideal choice for your next outdoor project.

Techo Bloc Blu 60: A Classic Choice

Techo Bloc Blu 60 is a timeless option that has been a favorite among landscapers and homeowners for years. It is versatile and can be used for various applications, including driveways, walkways, and patios. The 60 in its name refers to the thickness of the stone, which measures 60 millimeters.

Here are some key advantages of Techo Bloc Blu 60:

  1. Cost-effective: Blu 60 is often more affordable than its thicker counterpart, making it a budget-friendly option for large-scale projects.
  2. Easy installation: The thinner profile of Blu 60 makes it easier to handle during installation, reducing labor costs and time.
  3. Wide range of design options: Techo Bloc offers an extensive selection of colors, textures, and patterns in the Blu 60 series, allowing you to customize your outdoor space according to your preferences.

Techo Bloc Blu 80: The Heavy-Duty Champion

If you're looking for a more robust and heavy-duty option, Techo Bloc Blu 80 might be the perfect fit. With an increased thickness of 80 millimeters, Blu 80 provides additional strength and durability, making it suitable for areas with heavy traffic or where extra load-bearing capacity is required.

Here are some key advantages of Techo Bloc Blu 80:

  1. Enhanced durability: The increased thickness of Blu 80 ensures better resistance to wear and tear, making it ideal for high-traffic areas.
  2. Greater load-bearing capacity: If you're planning to install the stones in an area where heavy vehicles will be present, Blu 80 can withstand the weight without compromising its integrity.
  3. Longevity: Blu 80's thicker profile contributes to its longevity, ensuring that your outdoor project remains beautiful and functional for years to come.

Techo Bloc Blu 60 Vs 80: A Comparison

Now that we've explored the individual strengths of Techo Bloc Blu 60 and Blu 80, let's summarize their differences in the table below:

Feature Techo Bloc Blu 60 Techo Bloc Blu 80
Thickness 60mm 80mm
Cost More affordable Slightly more expensive
Installation Easier Requires more effort
Design Options Extensive selection Varied selection
Durability High Enhanced
Load-Bearing Capacity Standard Greater
Longevity Excellent Superior


Choosing between Techo Bloc Blu 60 and Blu 80 ultimately depends on your specific project requirements. If you're looking for a cost-effective option with a wide range of design choices, Blu 60 is an excellent choice. On the other hand, if you need a heavy-duty paving stone with enhanced durability and load-bearing capacity, Blu 80 is the way to go.

Consider the table's information and weigh the pros and cons carefully before making your decision. Whichever option you choose, both Techo Bloc Blu 60 and Blu 80 will undoubtedly enhance the beauty and functionality of your outdoor space for years to come.

Thank you for taking the time to visit our blog and learn more about the Techo Bloc Blu 60 Vs 80 pavers. We hope that this article has provided you with valuable information and insights to help you make an informed decision for your next outdoor project. As experts in the field, we understand that choosing the right paver can make a significant difference in the overall aesthetic and durability of your space.

When comparing the Techo Bloc Blu 60 and Blu 80, it is important to consider your specific needs and preferences. The Blu 60 is a popular choice due to its versatility and affordability. With a thickness of 60 millimeters, it offers sufficient durability for most residential applications. Whether you are planning to build a patio, walkway, or driveway, the Blu 60 can withstand regular foot traffic and occasional vehicular use.

On the other hand, if you require a paver that can handle heavier loads and harsher climates, the Techo Bloc Blu 80 might be the better option for you. With an increased thickness of 80 millimeters, it offers enhanced strength and durability, making it suitable for high-traffic areas such as commercial driveways or parking lots. Additionally, the Blu 80 is designed to withstand freeze-thaw cycles and extreme weather conditions, ensuring its longevity and performance over time.

In conclusion, both the Techo Bloc Blu 60 and Blu 80 have their unique advantages, and the decision ultimately depends on your specific project requirements. If you are looking for an affordable and versatile option for your residential space, the Blu 60 is a reliable choice. However, if you need a heavy-duty solution for commercial or high-traffic areas, the Blu 80 will meet your needs. Whichever paver you choose, you can trust in the quality and durability that Techo Bloc is known for. We hope this article has been helpful, and we wish you the best of luck with your upcoming project!

People also ask about Techo Bloc Blu 60 Vs 80

What is the difference between Techo Bloc Blu 60 and Blu 80?

Techo Bloc Blu 60 and Blu 80 are both paver options offered by Techo Bloc, but they differ in terms of size, thickness, and application.

1. Size:

Techo Bloc Blu 60 has a size of 7.75 inches by 5.875 inches, while Techo Bloc Blu 80 measures 11.625 inches by 5.875 inches. Therefore, Blu 80 is larger compared to Blu 60.

2. Thickness:

The thickness of Techo Bloc Blu 60 is 2.375 inches, whereas Techo Bloc Blu 80 has a thickness of 3.125 inches. Blu 80 is thicker than Blu 60, providing increased durability and strength.

3. Application:

Techo Bloc Blu 60 is commonly used for pedestrian applications such as walkways, patios, and driveways. On the other hand, Techo Bloc Blu 80 is designed for heavy-duty applications like commercial parking lots and areas with high traffic loads.

Which one should I choose, Techo Bloc Blu 60 or Blu 80?

The choice between Techo Bloc Blu 60 and Blu 80 depends on your specific project requirements and intended use. Consider the following factors when making a decision:

1. Project Type:

If you are working on a residential project that involves pedestrian areas, Techo Bloc Blu 60 would be a suitable choice. However, if your project involves heavy traffic or commercial applications, it is recommended to opt for Techo Bloc Blu 80 for its increased thickness and durability.

2. Aesthetic Preference:

Both Techo Bloc Blu 60 and Blu 80 offer a variety of colors and textures to choose from. Consider your desired aesthetic and select the option that complements the overall design and style of your project.

3. Budget:

Techo Bloc Blu 80 tends to be slightly more expensive than Blu 60 due to its larger size and increased thickness. Evaluate your budget and determine which option aligns with your financial considerations.

Can I mix Techo Bloc Blu 60 and Blu 80 together?

It is not recommended to mix Techo Bloc Blu 60 and Blu 80 pavers together in the same application. The difference in size and thickness may lead to an uneven surface and compromise the overall integrity of the installation. For consistent results, it is best to use either Blu 60 or Blu 80 throughout your project.

Are Techo Bloc Blu 60 and Blu 80 easy to install?

Yes, both Techo Bloc Blu 60 and Blu 80 are designed for easy installation. They feature an interlocking system that ensures stability and simplifies the installation process. However, it is always recommended to follow the manufacturer's guidelines and consult with a professional if needed to ensure proper installation.